Contact us
e-Business Services a.s.
Vinohradska 2396/184
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
ID: 26115808 VAT: CZ26115808
B 6135 maintained by Municipal court in Prague

IT security
Servers & networks
Monitoring systems
Application development
accredited certification authority

Internet service provider

Outsourcing means transferring of specific activities and responsibility of them to external sources. The company makes this from financial reasons – for example for on-time or impact actions it is not necessary for long-term holding of capacities – or from professional reasons – briefing of a special project to a specialist which client doesn’t have. The subject of delivery can be a material solution (server purchase, communication infrastructure) or services (managing pc network or internet server etc.
The main difference between a classic supplier and outsourcing is in complexity – company delegate all responsibility even for company activities to an external supplier, the most important thing is to create quality long-term partnership secured by quality contract.
Outsourcing views:
- Technical views – outsourcing IS represents the delegation of tasks connected with the development and operation of internet servers.
- Management views – outsourcing as a management tool for control
- Business view – outsourcing IS is a strategic partnership with increasing sales effectivity purpose.
eBS a.s. employees have experiences with information systems building from infrastructure to application software. Based on these experiences they can provide consultations, where customer gain a basic possible solution overview of specific situations. It can help customers to orient themselves in a specific field.
Consultations can be in these fields:
- IT Security (authorisation, security policy, security projects)
- Serve systems – existing types of hardware and operation systems, comparison of operation systems
- Backup and choosing of backup systems (hardware and software)
- Application software, ERP systems and connected applications (ex. Workflow, reporting utilities etc.)
- Consolidation of folder services – options, level of security
- LAN and WAN networks, choosing of technologies, elements and connectivity providers, remote connection
- Internet and eCommerce applications, options od connection, network security, options of eCommerce systems
Complex service in the field of consultations is Study of feasibility
Within this service or rather services has analyzed the option of using a current key and technological component IT/IS and necessaries human resources. With the utilization of our professional knowledge and experiences moreover supported with technical possibilities and direct contacts to vendors, we can participate in creation guarantee of technical and application solution design, which saves you time and resources in the decision even in realization itself. Result of these studies is the possibility to process variations of solutions with the recommendation of the most effective option. Every defined variation has a description of strengths and weaknesses, timetable and cost estimate.
Monitoring systems
- Monitoring IT & Network infrastructure
- Nagios
- Prometheus
- Nessus
- Instalation and operation of monitoring on different levels

App development
We develop aplications in these enviroments

e-Business Services
e-Business Services a.s. provides complex solutions, software development, security, support and outsourcing in IS/IT to its clients.